Is a career in Real Estate right for you?

There are no right or wrong answers in our Career Simulators. They simply provide an indication of how you would do in a real estate career. Once complete, we will be in touch to go over any specific questions you have about Foster Hamilton Real Estate or your real estate career.

You could have the perfect skills and personality for a rewarding career in real estate with Foster Hamilton Real Estate. Try our Real Este Assessments to see if real estate is right for you! Its is fun, interactive and take only a few minutes of your time.


Experience what it’s like to be a Real Estate Sales person. This video-based simulator allows you to play the role of an agent and interact with virtual clients who are interested in buying or selling property. You will answer questions based on the interactions demonstrated to get a good indication of how you would do in a real estate career. (20 mins)


How does your personality measure up for a career in real estate? This short video assessment will help you determine your assertiveness, dependability, achievement, sociability and more. (8 mins)

Click Here to Take Real Estate Simulator II


Are you up to date with the latest trends in real estate? This simulator is for the experienced agent and will assess your ability to work with Gen Y buyers and sellers, green living, technology, and pre-qualification standards. (25 minutes)

Click Here to Take Real Estate Simulator II